Supercharge your knowledge work

Unify scattered documents and apps into one super notebook document

Oneplaybook helps you manage knowledge better and be productive with wiki notebook workspaces instead of ambiguous file directories and excessive app switching.

Use offline or with any cloud service. Perfect for individuals and teams.

Powered by & for TiddlyWiki 🐈

Why Oneplaybook?

No lock-ins

Deploy your wiki notebooks to Dropbox, Google Drive, or a private server, with complete offline support. All data remains with you.

Pay less, get more

Oneplaybook workspace comes with the promise of a customizable user experience that can match or exceed tools like Notion, but at less cost.

Clone, edit & extend

Quickly build and grow the one perfect workspace you need for any kind of project by cloning, editing and extending existing templates.

Just work, save time

Oneplaybook offers you a managed app experience so you can concentrate on getting valuable work done and not waste time on maintenance.

Empower yourself & your teams

Capture knowledge better

Capture and save all knowledge that is important to you and your team to one neat and searchable knowledgebase so you don't waste time searching for it in endless email threads.

capture better illustration

Collaborate without limits

Free collaboration made simple and fun again. Work on collective projects and achieve mighty things together easily and freely.

organize better illustration

Share to all

Share knowledge bases and custom notebooks with others. You can share to private groups, or make them open to the world.

Better sharing illustration

Edit and fork away

Public wiki notebooks that catch your fancy can be edited and forked to become your own to build upon and share! Tend the wiki garden of knowledge together.

Gardening illustration

Host on any cloud service

cloud vendors integrated to one play book

Powered by 5k starred open source software


TiddlyWiki gets a Gearhead rating of 6 out of 5 (it is that good). Finding code that works flawlessly after just two or three years is magical enough but after seven years?!

Mark Gibbs

Network World

Top class

The TiddlyWiki is the best software I have ever found for organising my ideas. It is well worth spending an hour or so playing with it to see how it can help you. This will be time well-spent and will change how you think and how you organise your ideas.

Joe Armstrong

Co-inventor of Erlang

Ready to create your first playbook?

Behind every success a good playbook. Let's do this!